Rapid Experiments vs. Big Upfront Planning

Rapid Experiments vs. Big Upfront Planning

What is better: An iterative approach with rapid experiments and lots of failures, or a cautious big upfront planning trying to sketch a perfect solution while avoiding risks? While we Agile Coaches talk a lot about this topic, it helps to look at real world cases of...
How to slow down your business

How to slow down your business

If you can change direction every 2 weeks 🐆, but you only decide to change direction once a year 🐌, you‘re not agile. Agility is far too often confined to the delivery organization. But without agility on the portfolio level, you‘re not actually using that delivery...
Are you afraid of user feedback?

Are you afraid of user feedback?

While sprint reviews or system demos are meant to focus on feedback from users, so that you can deliver more value… …some PMs and POs are afraid that user feedback could challenge their plans/backlogs. What I see play out almost every week is the struggle to adopt an...