Break the Task Trap: How Problem-Focused Requirements Drive Success

Break the Task Trap: How Problem-Focused Requirements Drive Success

The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler Hello Reader, last week we talked about how some organizations abuse transparency and cripple agility. This week we look at the way we define product requirements – and how that drastically affects the outcome! Thank you for reading the free edition of The Agile Compass! Ever thought to upgrade? Premium subscribers improve their knowledge and skills faster by getting direct answers from me in our Discord community, connecting with fellow agile minds, and…

The Surprising Benefits of Walking Meetings

The Surprising Benefits of Walking Meetings

Who said that meetings have to happen in a room or at a desk? Like with so many things in life we hardly ask about why we do meetings the way we do. And there is a lot to be said about meetings, but I want to focus on one innovative technique today: walking meetings....