Test Public Broadcast

  • 💪 How to motivate people: Autonomy, mastery & purpose The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler How to motivate people: Autonomy, mastery & purpose How can we motivate people? Does money work? No! But what works then? Let's look at the research. Hello Reader, today I want to talk about motivation – especially about how it does NOT work, and what you can do better.Before we start, here are a few recent Agile Compass articles you might have missed: Why managing dependencies is dangerous, and how to do it better How to get started building trust in teams…Read more
  • Real lessons on teamwork from the Marshmallow Challenge The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler Real Lessons on Teamwork from the Marshmallow Challenge Ever thought that a marshmallow could teach you a thing or two about building effective teams? Wondering why kindergarteners outperform business students? Let's talk about collaboration, iterative development and embracing failure. Hello Reader, last week we talked about innovation and how it is often misunderstood by outsiders. This week we'll tackle team dynamics again. But we also stick with the…Read more
  • Why Not Understanding the Cybertruck is a Management Problem The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler Why Not Understanding the Cybertruck is a Management Problem This article isn’t about Tesla. It’s about leadership, innovation, and why too many managers fail to grasp the essence of how innovation really works. Hello Reader, last time I talked about the Personal History exercise as a wonderful tool to start building trust in teams. Today I want to tackle the challenge of innovation. Innovation is tricky. We often create specific innovation labs or innovation…Read more
  • The Personal History Exercise: A Gateway to Trust and Vulnerability in Agile Teams The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler The Personal History Exercise: A Gateway to Trust and Vulnerability in Agile Teams Agile coaches often face the challenge of nurturing trust and openness within teams. The Personal History Exercise, as presented by Patrick Lencioni in “The Five Dysfunctions of a Team”, offers a practical and effective approach to initiating this journey. Hello Reader, last week we talked about how to deal with dependencies in an agile way. This week we'll examine a little…Read more
  • Don’t Manage Dependencies – Eliminate Them! The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler Don’t Manage Dependencies – Eliminate Them! When it comes to dependencies, most teams and managers immediately ask, “How do we manage these dependencies?” But are we asking the right question? Hello Reader, last week was about the Wright brothers and how aiming impossibly high can actually be a great leadership technique. Today I want to talk about a topic most of us are faced with daily: Dependencies. Thank you for reading the free edition of The Agile…Read more
  • The Benefits of Setting Impossible Goals – Why Great Leaders Aim High The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler The Benefits of Setting Impossible Goals – Why Great Leaders Aim High We all laugh when Elon Musk misses yet another audacious goal. But is he just a deluded lunatic billionaire or is there more behind him consistently missing his goals? Hello Reader, last week we talked about how to teach teams Scrum with the wonderful Ball Point Game. Today will talk about aiming high and failing – and why that might be an insanely effective leadership technique. The…Read more
  • Why you should know the Ball Point game – and how to facilitate it The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler The Ball Point Game A little game with a huge impact. It can teach us more about Scrum and agility than a thousands of slides. Every Scrum Master and Agile Coach should be able to facilitate the Ball Point Game. Hello Reader, last week we talked about improvements to your Daily Scrums. And earlier this year I published a few articles that you might have missed: How to Overcome Resistance to Change in Agile Transformations Unlocking Innovation and Autonomy:…Read more
  • Are your Daily Scrums wasting your team‘s time? The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler Are your Daily Scrums wasting your team‘s time? The Daily Scrum is an often loathed Scrum practice. But it certainly wasn’t invented to waste your team’s time – so what are we missing? Do you get goose bumps when the time for Daily Scrum approaches? 😂 Hello Reader, before we dive into the Daily Scrum, here are a few interesting topics you might have missed in the past weeks: Time vs energy management. We talked how to boost your own productivity and that of…Read more
  • Boost productivity: Manage your energy, not your time! ⚡️ The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler Boost productivity: Manage your energy, not your time! Did you know that the average worker is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes a day? Hello Reader, last time we went techy with TDD. Today let‘s focus on us as humans and how managing our energy can boost productivity. Boost productivity: Manage your energy, not your time! Did you know: The average worker is only productive for 2 hours and 53 minutes a day? That’s a jarring 30% of an 8 hour work day….Read more
  • The Power of TDD – it's not just about testing! The Agile Compass Matthias Orgler The Power of TDD – it's not just about testing! Test-driven development (TDD) is an agile approach often misunderstood as just automated testing. But its benefits go way beyond QA. Hello Reader, last week we talked about the iron triangle of project management. I also released a premium article about how you can keep deadlines with an agile approach using that triangle (available for paying subscribers). This week we'll look at an agile technique that is…Read more