Scrum vs Kanban

Don‘t fret too much over the right agile framework for your company. Focus on an agile culture instead. Establishing an agile culture is the key to success. Without it, none of the frameworks will deliver decisive improvements. Matthias Orgler (Agile Coach)
Is Scrum a too rigid framework?

Is Scrum a too rigid framework?

Countless teams have moaned over Scrum being too rigid and not really suited for their particular domain. As an agile coach responsible for countless agile transitions I strongly disagree. Why do teams claim Scrum would be too rigid? There are several reasons and the...
“We tried Scrum and it didn’t work”

“We tried Scrum and it didn’t work”

I hear this statement a lot recently. Companies claiming they tried to do Scrum, but even after a year or more it didn’t work for them. I disagree – let me tell you why. Scrum is one of several agile frameworks you can use to set your company up for a VUCA...
Understand Sprint Burn-Down Patterns

Understand Sprint Burn-Down Patterns

A Scrum team can learn a lot form sprint burn-down charts. I want to help you recognize typical patterns, understand what causes problems and how to resolve these issues. For continuous improvement in Scrum you need to be able to read the patterns in your burn-down charts.