Jun 2, 2023 | Agile Values, Meme
🚨 Transparency doesn’t mean that management can see everything the team does. Transparency means: 👉 The team can see everything management does. 👉 The team can see everything it does itself (reflection). Transparency is supposed to EMPOWER teams, not to control...
May 26, 2023 | Meme, Product Owner, Scrum, Scrum Master
How many times have you seen sprint reviews without stakeholders? I must admit, I have seen this far too often in my life. And it’s a waste of time! Why is it useless? First we have to ask, what the purpose of a review is. I often get answers like: 🤔 to see the...
May 19, 2023 | Agile Values, Meme, Transformation
Leadership is not something one person does! It’s a relationship between leader and follower. A leader without a follower is not a leader. If you want to be a great leader, ask the people who you want to follow you what they expect from you. Then act...
May 12, 2023 | Agile Values, Meme, Organization, Transformation
The meme shows a typical evasive move commonly camouflaged as “Agile Transformation“. Sometimes it‘s a deliberate evasion technique, sometimes it‘s subconscious. What makes you agile is not a set of roles or the implementation of a framework. What makes you agile is a...
May 5, 2023 | Agile Values, Meme, Transformation
Want faster time-to-market? Increase your decision-making speed! Many delays in building products come from long decision-making processes. In this time and age, hardly any company can afford to have a slow decision-making process. Some factors slowing down decision...
Apr 28, 2023 | Meme, Transformation
Is it the framework you pick? Is it the tools you use? Is it how many teams dutifully exercise their sprints? I often see significant focus on choosing a scaling framework, teaching people how to do method xyz and picking “agile” tools. 🤔🤨🧐 But...